Tuesday, March 5, 2013

All Smiles Today Week 3 Day21!!!

OK so today was my 4th follow up with my oral surgeon and I will go back in 2wks from now. He said that everything is looking GREAT!!! I can blow my nose YAYYYYYYYYY. I can really breathe again. He does not want me to chew until my 6 week mark so I have 3wks left to go. Right now I'm so happy about being able to blow my nose I don't even care about chewing lol. I went to Wal-Mart and bought more Kleenex because I am going to have a blowing nose party!!!
I asked him did I still have swelling in my face he said that I do and that it could take months to go away. That sucks but its ok I guess, I really dont have much of an choice. I am now back to taking my vitamins I found some ok liquid vitamins to take so I kinda hope that will speed up my process on getting my nerves back in order. I miss feeling my bottom lip and chin and gums inside my mouth.
He wants me to do jaw exercises the more I do the more my mouth will open so starting today I'm on it!! I am a very happy camper right now. I still am wearing my rubber bands 2hrs in the morning and 2hrs in the evening and all night when I sleep.It feels so weird with having all my teeth touch like they should. I also asked him about my stitches coming out he said they will fall out when they are ready. I do see that they are very loose in my mouth when I brush my teeth and swish with mouthwash they get in the way I cant wait until they do fall out.
I will return back to work on March 25. Until then I am going to enjoy the rest of my time off and continue to ice my jaws and walk. I am very happy now that I can breathe better. He also told me I know longer have to sleep in the up position I can go back to sleeping how I want because I am not going to hurt anything inside of my face lol. YAYYYY HAPPY DAY FOR ME


  1. Kristi, you're looking so much better these days! I can tell by your pictures that your swelling has really gone down. If you're looking for additional supplements to help with the swelling, check out my Going Herbal post. I just had my pre-op appointment with my surgeon and she says that those specific supplements are GREAT for reducing inflammation.

    1. Thank you so much Adrienne I was wondering how have you been. Thanks im going to look now because I dont wont to b stuck with this lil puffy face for couple more months lol

  2. You look great. I didn't think of taking liquid vitamins. I keep reading from people that they almost took a month off from work for recovery. I'm only having my bottom moved forward as I had SARPE surgery last year. My surgeon told me to take off 10 days. I keep wondering if that's really enough. I mean I was back on my feet 3 days after my first one, but this one is much different.

    1. Thank you lots Laura well mr surgeon originally told me two weeks off. And I was thinking what!!! R u serious for upper and lower with chin done???!! So when I wnt to his office for my first follow up his assistant ask me and I told her a month and thats what she gave me lol. Even now I dont want to go back to work I still have swelling that he said will take months to go away but I dont have a choice really lol. I am still very stuffy if this does not clear up I'm going to see my reg. Dr.
